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AWP: Seize The Day: Capturing the Present Tense in Memoir
2:00 PM14:00

AWP: Seize The Day: Capturing the Present Tense in Memoir

When we think of memoir—literally, “a memory”—we often think of stories that take place in the distant past, that are concerned with what Sven Birkerts calls “getting hold of vanished experience.” But what happens when we’re trying to get hold of experience that isn’t vanished, but all too present? What about memoir that chronicles a more recent history, or that follows a writer through a moment in real time? How do we stay ahead of the story? And how do we separate life from art?

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Poetry Project: Launch for Beautiful Aliens: A Steve Abbott Reader
8:00 PM20:00

Poetry Project: Launch for Beautiful Aliens: A Steve Abbott Reader

Join us in celebration of Beautiful Aliens: A Steve Abbott Reader (Nightboat Books, 2019) edited by Jamie Townsend, with an afterword by Alysia Abbott. In this long awaited, first ever retrospective of Steve Abbott's work you'll find writing, illustrations, and comics by this Gay Liberation hero and foundational Bay Area underground writer.

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Le Marathon Des Mots
to Jun 28

Le Marathon Des Mots

1974. À la mort de sa femme, Steve Abbott, poète homosexuel, s’installe à San Francisco avec Alysia, sa fille de deux ans. Au cœur du quartier hippie, du mouvement beat et de la communauté gay, il rejoint une génération décidée à tout vivre. Commence alors pour le duo père-fille une vie de bohème, ponctuée de déménagements, de fêtes et de lectures de poésie à l’arrière des librairies. Dans ce «Fairyland», Alysia Abbott raconte son enfance et son adolescence, ce père aimant, «à part» et sa propre quête d’identité. Une «féerie», bientôt fracassée par la menace du sida, et le portrait d’un père d’une tendresse inouïe. Ne manquez pas l’occasion rare de rencontrer Alysia Abbott à Toulouse !

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Daughters and Fathers: Alysia Abbott and Joan Wickersham
7:00 PM19:00

Daughters and Fathers: Alysia Abbott and Joan Wickersham

In Fairyland, which won an ALA Stonewall Award, Abbott chronicles her Haight-Ashbury upbringing with an openly bisexual father who succumbed to AIDS. Wickersham’s The Suicide Index, a National Book Award finalist, is a wise, moving, and often surprisingly humorous account of how she and her family endured in the aftermath of her gentle, affectionate father’s shocking suicide. The two authors will discuss their memoirs, their writing lives, and their other work.

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6:00 PM18:00

An Evening with Two Memoirists

How do writers sift through memories and shape them into a story? Find out on Thursday, January 28, 2016 from critically acclaimed authors. Alysia Abbott and Howard Axelrod.

Abbott authored Fairyland, a book the New York Times Book Review calls a “daughter’s compassionate, clear-eyed reckoning” with her “girlhood at the dawn of the gay liberation movement. Axelrod penned The Point of Vanishing, which described his two years in solitude after a freak accident. Booklist calls his work an “elegant, questioning memoir.”

Come hear these two local authors speak about their experiences – both living them and re-telling them decades later.

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